Envelope Exchange – August 2011

I’ve been busy on the book commission, but took a few minutes to do my envelope for the year-long 2011 Envelope Exchange. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately with my Epson wide-format new inkjet printer, and I carried that experimentation over to this envelope. (As usual, click on the image to see it at a larger size.)

These are the layers on this #10 Strathmore Laid envelope:

  1. Inkjet-print of a scan of some painting on Arches Text Wove.
  2. A layer of Utrecht Workable Spray Fixative.
  3. The name in Dr. Martin’s Iridescent calligraphy gold ink, shaded in FW Antelope acrylic ink(#2½ Mitchell nib and Principality pointed nib).
  4. The address in the same FW Antelope, with #4 Mitchell nib.
  5. Flowers with #3½ and #4 nibs.
I chose the stamp after I did the envelope. I’m surprised at how well they go together.

Birthday cards

These are currently sitting in General Delivery in a small town in North Carolina. The birthdays are Friday and Saturday, but I bet the birthday boy and birthday girl don’t see this before they pick up their birthday cards.

Each of these quotations are very apt for two of the youngest seniors I know.

Watercolor, gouache, Dr. Martin’s Bleedproof White, pastels — on Arches Text Wove.

Hermann Zapf video

Even though it’s been on the Internet for 2 years, I’ve not seen this video of Hermann Zapf until today.

The Art of Hermann Zapf from Johnny Dib on Vimeo.

It must have been filmed 40+ years ago. That paper is luscious, probably handmade. And his pen renditions of type are amazing.

Seen on It’s Nice That.

Another sliver of a commission

A sliver of a commission

Here’s something I’ve finished this morning. Since it won’t be presented for a couple of weeks, I’m only showing a sliver of it, and redacting identifying parts.

So I got it completed — on the second time time around, never mind what I did wrong on the first time around — but the names under the signature line ran a little long. No problem, I thought. I can just extend the signature lines. Then I realized that the extension ran into the space for the gold seal. This is the third time around.

Such are the minor idiocies of working under the influence of a major head cold. I’m assuming it’s a cold. After all, I had a flu shot this year, so it can’t be the flu. Right?