Exchange envelopes: catching up

With all the chaos here, I had gotten behind in my exchange envelope commitments. Not anymore. I’m all caught up … until July 1. In keeping with these hard economic times, the theme for these is Frugality. Recycled envelopes, a dried-up Zig calligraphy marker, and a re-purposed Zig Millennium mark cut to a chisel edge with an X-acto blade.

The envelopes frame a bit of doodling. I don’t know what to do with it, so it just sits on the table reproaching me for my indecisiveness.

As usual, click on the image to get a closer look.

4 Replies to “Exchange envelopes: catching up”

  1. Gotta love those dried up Zigs! Great envelopes, Beth. 🙂 By the way have you made your move to Montana yet??

  2. Thanks, Cindy. I'm in Montana, but not exactly moved in yet. It's about time I updated on this blog. I'll do that now.

  3. I just came upon your blog via Jane Farr's. Your work is inspiring. I'm wondering where you get signed up for the envelope exchanges you participate in? I'd love to join! You can see some of my envelopes on my blog –

  4. Catherine,
    There are always themed envelope exchanges going on at the Yahoo group Calligraphy Exchange:

    I believe I did these particular envelopes for a general annual envelope exchange (you do one a month). Wendy just announced that she's putting this year's list together now. If you join Calligraphy Exchange, look for the her January 9 post about it.

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