Gold writing fluids redux

Another year, another sampling of gold inks. It’s amazing how different the gold inks and gouaches are from one another. I ordered some more gold inks after I did this sampler. Dr. Martin’s Iridescent Cooper Plate Gold ink remains one of my favorites. For earlier posts on metallic inks, click on the metallic inks label in the sidebar (or this link).

Book arts exhibitions online

I’m finally settling in here in Bozeman. In the meantime, I’ve been collecting some interesting things to blog about, and now I’ve got a bit of time for it.

Several great book arts exhibitions are online. Don’t miss these:

Marking Time — a juried show under the auspices of the Guild of Book Workers. Shown here are books by Susan Collard and Bridget O’Malley. Clicking the images takes you to each of their pages in the online exhibit.

The Minnesota Center for the Book Arts has awarded their first annual international artist’s book award: The MCBA Prize 2009. See the winner, the finalists, and all the submitted books here.

This past June at 23 Sandy Gallery: The Beautiful Book: Exploring the Allure of Artist Books. The image is of Susan Lowdermilk’s book in the show, and clicking it takes you to that page of the exhibit.