Another day, some ABC practice

2015-08-18-daily-ABC-with-Pentel-brushThinking about space and connection. I find the KL area difficult.

I think of myself as a person with a long attention span, but I’m finding that I lose focus about J or so. Maybe it’s not attention span; maybe it’s kinetic memory. The ABC is solid, DEF are coming along. GHIJ, slightly less so. And after that it’s in and out.

In college when I had to memorize music, especially Bach, I began with the last measure, then the penultimate measure and last measure, and so on (or would that be “so back”). Memorization has always been difficult for me. This method of back-to-front memorization meant that as I played the piece in performance my comfort level increased. It also meant — again, especially for Bach — that if I had a finger fault in one measure, solid ground was available just a few beats away at the beginning of the next measure.

Maybe I should start with XYZ tomorrow. The next day, though, I’d need to start with WXYZ or YZ; there are no measures in an alphabet.

Just a small sample of my stream of consciousness during these ABC exercises …