Journal – January 22

I’ve got so much work at present, it’s a pleasure to sit down and mix paints and doodle in my journal. I’m into the second signature of the journal. When I get a sufficient number of signatures done, I’ll bind them. I’m looking forward to it.

Schmincke Calligraphy Gouaches are a real pleasure to letter with. These are three of the six colors I most often work with: vermilion red, ultramarine deep, and lemon yellow.

6 Replies to “Journal – January 22”

  1. I envy you being able to do this Beth. It is just beautiful and such a useful skill to have. I know it’s the result of many hours of practice.

  2. I thought I should drop you a note to say how much I enjoy your blog. You write it almost every day, but you don’t really know who’s out there enjoying it! I’m a calligrapher in Nottingham UK, and you have inspired me to start a “page a day” journal to increase my creativity! Thank you!

  3. I learned calligraphy when I was single — the best time to do it, I think 🙂 But I find I lose it if I don’t use it.

    Thank you both for reading my blog. I’m enjoying trying to do something creative everyday.

  4. Hi Beth: Can you tell me about the italic on the left border? Did you use a Mitchell or was it done with a pointed pen? Thanks!


  5. Julie, it's not a pointed pen, but most likely a #5 Mitchell Roundhand nib. So the lettering was done a lot of nib-widths high.

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