Happy 2008! I’m looking forward to the new year. This month (I’ve given up on yearly resolutions) I plan to do something creative every day. I may not get to post every day, but I’ll do something creative every day and post it when I can.
Today I made this one-page book with pop-ups. The text is from the Herman Hesse poem, “Stages”. My favorite part of the poem is not in this little book, but they are appropriate words for the new year:
In all beginnings dwells a magic force
For guarding us and helping us to live.
Although the structure is very simple and quick, it took me awhile because I decided to make the switch from Microsoft Publisher (2000) to CS2 InDesign. Since I got CS2 I haven’t wanted to upgrade my very old version of Publisher but have always been in too much of a hurry to figure out InDesign. It was fairly easy to pick up, although I’m that today sure I saw about 2% of what it can actually do.
Happy New Year Beth.
Does this mean you are done with school? I will look forward to seeing what you are creating.
No, I’m in between semesters. But in the upcoming semester I’ll have two computer classes and an art history class. I’ll need some discipline to keep a creative practice going!