New Year’s Resolution

I’ve been having trouble with a layout lately. I’ve struggled with it quite a bit, with a common result: my work area is spotless, and all my brushes and pens and palettes are washed. It’s a way of processing, when paper and pencil aren’t working.

The shocking thing was how many brushes and pens I had to wash. It was simply ridiculous.

So my New Year’s Resolution: Never shut the studio down each night without washing any dirty brushes and pens.

I’m also thinking of putting away some of my brushes and pens, so that I won’t be tempted to keep using clean brushes instead of washing the ones I have. I wonder how many tools most calligraphers keep “out” in their studios.

2 Replies to “New Year’s Resolution”

  1. Oh Beth I have just as many if not more. Then I get to a point where I cannot move in my studio and I have to clean so I can start all over again. I don’t think the proccess will ever change.

  2. Ah Beth…I know how you feel. When I worked from home I thought the mess was due to the fact that I had no room…now I have a bigger space to work in, I make more mess! Great! There does come a point when it gets too much and I can’t find anything…then it’s time to tidy! But you know what they say…Creative Clutter is better than Idle Neatness! lol.
    Love Sue aka-Poppie UK

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