Concertina Cabaret revisited

Even though it’s been a month since I photographed all the pieces of the model I was making for Michael Jacobs’ structure, Concertina Cabaret, in Books Unbound … I did actually make the book that same day. I’m only just now getting around to photographing the model.

I used mostly Canson Mi-Tientes, sheets from the Fabriano Artistico artist’s journal (a nice book — the larger one — to have around for small pieces of good colored paper) and a few scrapbook paper scraps.

2 Replies to “Concertina Cabaret revisited”

  1. Hi Beth,
    The colours you have used work beautifully together. I was looking at this structure in my book last night and trying to work out how it worked. Your photograph makes it very clear.

  2. thanks, Wendy! I had the same problem with visualizing the structure. The first photo (p. 72) shows one model closed and one model completely open to one page. And the last photo (p.77) shows a variation of the structure. So neither are very helpful, although the individual-step photos are more helpful.

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