Maybe I’m thinking too big here.

Toni‘s encouragement towards the making of a manuscript book makes me realize that maybe I’m not acknowledging what I’ve already done.

Here’s a book I made summer before last. It classifies as a manuscript book because it is hand lettered and bound, and yet I didn’t think of it in my previous blog post for several reasons:

1. It’s only 10 pages long.
2. I varied the lettering style throughout, so I never had achieve consistent lettering over the many days of work on the book.
3. I never had to deal with the flow of text from page to page, because each of the quotes existed on separate pages.
4. Although I set up a classical page layout, I then negated it somewhat by setting up a bottom line of inter-painted lettering which fell outside the page layout.

These considerations don’t necessarily detract from its classification as a manuscript book. But they do clarify for me what I want to do in my next manuscript book!

2 Replies to “Maybe I’m thinking too big here.”

  1. How neat you took a class from Nancy.
    Someday I hope to.
    I consider this book a manuscript that you are showing. I really enjoyed making my Squirrel book. Setting up the pages was not hard and because it was done before it was bound if I goofed I did it over. It has three signatures and has a hard cover.
    I love doing hard covers. Go for it.

    I think we need to find some more calligraphers with blogs for encouragment.

  2. I’m going to go for it.

    And yes: Up with blogging calligraphers! Where are they?

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