Luca Barcellona & DEM

Gavinana Reloaded from GoLd on Vimeo.

I’m a huge fan of Luca Barcellona, the images are compelling, and I like the idea of combining this text and these images into a performance piece. But there’s not much visual relationship between the text and image — not in layout, not in color, and most certainly not in mark-making. The flat blue line of the left mask strings makes one kind of statement, but it seems to jar against the gorgeously stapered black stem of the initial “P”, for instance. It’s de Stijl (which I love) vs. baroque (which I also love).

It seems as though Luca is incapable of making something that doesn’t hang together beautifully: the initial “P” fills the space beautifully and draws the eye down the quote, the smaller text capitals add interest to the texture of the whole, and the attribution flows from the flourished “y” so satisfactorily.

Calligraphy + animation

"Lilac Wine" animation stillWow! Beautiful.

Update: as of October 2013, you can see it on YouTube here.

The website for Vanessa Marzaroli’s animation of “Lilac Wine,” by Cinematic Orchestra is  gone, but you can read an AIGA article about Vanessa and this video called “The Steady Hand of Vanessa Marzaroli.” A little more information about the making of the video is here.

Day 80 – DSED

… and finally, after lo these many days …

I had lost this letter, and then the backlog began, because I couldn’t possibly post out of sequence.

I’ll catch up on the scanning and posting sometime. Meanwhile, I’ve graduated from FSU with a BFA in Graphic Design — yay! — and taken a week-long workshop/retreat with Laurie Doctor and just finished a 7-day rafting trip through the Grand Canyon.

There’s a lot to catch up on.