Scintillating text & stuck-edness

Sometimes in the making of a book edition, you get stuck. I am, or was. I’ve been working with a few texts about stars, and had dyed a stack of Arches Text Wove. The possibilities for structure and order and style having overwhelmed me, I took a step back and chose just one of the texts for a broadside. Nothing like a deadline to get the ink flowing. This was made for submission to “Inktober” an exhibit whose main requirement was that it include ink. The theme for the exhibit is “a few of my favorite things”. Stars are more than a few of my favorite things.

4 Replies to “Scintillating text & stuck-edness”

    1. I used Jacquard’s Procion medium blue cold-water dye, which requires little besides a tray of water, salt, and soda ash. And I’m pleased to say that this piece has been accepted into Letter Arts Review‘s 2020 Annual!

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