This past week I’ve been obsessed with cleaning my studio. It all started because we were planning to house a guest there for a week, and I realized that the place was in pretty bad shape. So I started straightening. Then I started cleaning, and of course as I cleaned I had to organize.
It took a week, but in the process I tested all my pigmented markers and gel pens, inventoried frames and framing equipment, cleaned tools, organized papers … I was pretty thorough. I can’t say that I’m finished, but I am done. For now.
Here are shots of the drawers in the desk where I do most of my writing. This desk was built for my grandfather by his father to take to college. I love the desk.
I have way too many tools, but maybe now that they’re organized I will use them up in an efficient manner. As if.
Oh, and it looks as though we won’t be having a guest there after all. Still, mission accomplished.