Calligrapher | Book Artist

Calligraphy class

Week 1


  • Do at least one page of practice pangrams.
  • On a separate page, letter a quotation that you would like to work on as a finished piece. Choose a quotation no longer than 20 words.
  • Here is the guidelines page in PDF format, and more resources are here.

The week in review:

  • glossary of calligraphy terms
  • discussion and demo of best practices for arranging your work area
  • demo - monoline italics

    With a monoline italic, we don’t have to worry about thicks and thins. My teacher, Peter Thornton, says that there are only two kinds of mistakes you can make in forming a lettering: 1) shape, and 2) pen angle. The second mistake can only be made with a broad-edged pen, so we’re going to save that for next week.

  • letter space and ligatures
  • exercise: first attempts and feedback
  • how to practice
  • group order to John Neal